Introducing IP Fundamentals of Cisco Fabric for Media (CPLL-IPFMFD)

Introducing IP Fundamentals of Cisco Fabric for Media v2.0

This self-paced course, Introducing IP Fundamentals of Cisco Fabric for Media (IPFMFD) v2.0, introduces you to IP technologies. This course covers Ethernet functions and standards, the basic principles of IP, the TCP/IP stack, and other technologies used in modern networks. Lab exercises focus on configuring basic IP functionality on switches and servers.

This class will help you:

  • Gain a solid foundation in how Ethernet functions and standards, IP, the TCP/IP stack, and other technologies are used in modern networks
  • Prepare to use Cisco® IP Fabric for Media (IPFM) to deploy a flexible, scalable, and secure IP-based media infrastructure

This new Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training. Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Interactivity is enabled through Discovery Labs, content review questions, and graded Challenge labs and tests. This makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectiveness, and provides students direct feedback on how well they have mastered the material. And gamification features are built in, including earning badges and a leaderboard, to encourage better performance.

Introducing IP Fundamentals of Cisco Fabric for Media v2.0 E-Learning
Duration: 6 months
Level: Beginner